The new version of MCS, which includes MScan 2.3 and MView 3.2. has been sent for beta-testing. Aside from improvement in performance and minor bug fixes, the two prgrams introduce new scripting features which will facilitate near real-time processing of imaging data, even in resonant scanning mode.
MScan 2.3 can now export frame data during the OnNewFrames event by using the GetFrameArray method, which returns a variant array which contains the latest frame values of a specific imaging channel. Incoming data can be piped into a workspace in MView for display and processing. What is noteworthy is the possibility to jump outside the boundaries of MScan to pass data to another program in a time-efficient manner. In principle, the result of GetFrameArray should be compatible with Matlab’s PutWorkspaceData.
The next release of MScan will have a version number matching that of MView. We plan to support additional hardware. In particular, we intend to make MScan compatible with a high-speed, low-cost USB 3.0 video camera for synchronous behavioral recordings.
Hi MCSPers,
ReplyDeleteI am quite interested in the GetFrameArray method. Can we update our old Version Mscan Software to get the new method for free?